Saturday 5 May 2012

OMG Chocolate Trifle!!!

Eeeek, have a look at this...

Guaranteed to get you the 'best guest at the bbq' title, everytime!!

Layers of moist chewy chocolate brownies, chocolate mousse and white chocolate mousse with shavings of white and milk chocolate on top.... Hello! sugar overload!!

Thursday 3 May 2012

Argyle baby quilt

Inspired by a jumper I bought recently, I made up this little argyle baby quilt.

Any suggestions for how to quilt it? Stipple?

Now, just have to get it quilted! It's off to the waiting-for-a-miracle-day-with-spare-time-to-get-quilting pile. lol.

Monday 23 April 2012

Pizza scrolls

supreme on the left, ham and pineapple on the right
My pizza base recipe and toppings and then rolled up and cut into slices.

No pic of the cooked scrolls though...

These are great for the kids for school lunches. When they're cooked and cooled, wrap them individually in plastic wrap and pop in the freezer. Grab one out of a morning and put it in the lunchbox and by lunchtime it's defrosted and ready for eating! Great time saver if your house is anything like mine of a morning - crazy!!

Tuesday 27 March 2012

What's up with the DVD player?

I wonder...

keepin' it real with all the cords...

 Maybe this little treasure in her brother's jammie top might be able to tell me...

hey, don't touch!

Blackberry pie

Blackberry picking time is January / February here. They are classed as a noxious weed and must be sprayed out. My hubs has gotten rid of all of ours that used to be here on our farm :(

One day I stopped on the way home from town after dropping the kids off and doing the shopping and picked this lovely lot which I took home and made into a super delicious pie!

Sweet shortcrust pastry for the top and bottom. An old recipe from a fabulous cook which never fails me. Step away if you're afraid of butter!

ready for the oven...

 All baked. With another loaf of crusty bread!

Monday 26 March 2012

The reason I can't lose weight on a weekend...

I've been making Rhonda's bread...

(and the baking in the background doesn't help...)

I never used to have much luck with bread. I don't think I was kneading it enough... And I always used to sit it on the bench to rise. Too slow for me. Now I turn the oven on to 50degrees for a couple of minutes, then turn it off and put it in there to rise.

This recipe is super easy too.

Rhonda's fab tutorial for beginner's bread

I love the feel of the dough after the first knead. It feels like a baby's bottom to me!

I've made rolls from this dough too which turned out great.

Homemade Supreme Pizza

A lack of decent pizza restaurants and living out of town led us to make our own pizzas. This is our supreme version and we think it's pretty good!

steamin' hot!!